Thursday, March 19, 2009

St Thomas USVI

Touching down in St. Thomas I found myself warmed by the fiery tropical sun and caressed by the humid welcoming breeze . Just hours earlier my skin was accosted by frigid biting snow filled air blown horizontally by a brutal northwesterly storm in Northern Virginia . I knew this Scuba trip was going to be just what my inner doctor ordered. My wife , 14 year old daughter, 3 year old son and I were going to spend a week of quality time in a small place called Bolongo BayBolongo Bay , sunning , funning , diving , and building sand castles .

Anticipation was the feeling of the first morning on the island for me , the same hopeful, joyous anticipation I felt and shared many years before with my brother and sisters when we were kids on Christmas morning , the expectation of adventure and curiosity wrapped within the colorful packages under the tree. I now felt the same expectation here with my wife and 2 children looking out at the colorful surface of that sea dreaming of what was hidden within the coral recesses below.

I think most divers would understand , The moment I surface from a dive , with empty tank bound to my Back by an inflated BC, waiting my turn to ascend the bobbing ladder to the dive boat , I am looking to get back under the surface a few atmospheres where the world is alive with a silent reality playing out, knowing that for millions of years this has been going on without human intervention or aid .Only the bubbles from my regulator remind me that I’m not actually from down here but merely a voyeur looking into a primal landscape and its finned or webbed inhabitants going about what is their reality

1 comment:

  1. I love the island of St. Thomas and Bolongo Bay was perfect for us. It was a friendly and easygoing place. U walked out to the terrace and there was this beautiful view. The buzz word for that weekend was rrreeelllaaaxxxx :). I agree a most for divers, snorkelers and vacationers.
